Why Switch?

We are often asked, why should I switch to alcohol from gas and from a carburetor to fuel injection?

1: To alcohol from gas:

  • Alcohol burns more slowly so it doesn’t build as much engine heat each run.
    • The engine is easier to cool between rounds.
    • You can run higher compression ratios (up to 16:1 is ok, 13.8:1 is our ideal) if you wish but it works great on 10:1 too.
  • Alcohol is less flammable so it is safer and easier to handle.
  • It is cheaper. Though you will use more, the cost is less per gallon.
  • Engines last longer.
  • The switching process requires:
    • Good fuel line fittings (anodized aluminum).
    • A plastic fuel cell or hard anodized fuel tank.
    • Top lube for fuel helps prevent corrosion and lubricates the valve stems.
    • One full day at home working on the change once all the parts are in place.
      • Install parts.
      • Remove intake manifold, drill 8 holes and tap for 1/8” pipe (90 degrees to intake runner path) for nozzle bodies and set them to spray at the valve.
      • Run the return line to the fuel tank.
      • Remove the electric fuel pump.
      • Put turn-outs on the exhaust system.
      • If you have a fuel cell, call the maker to determine if the “ballast” sponges are alcohol compatible. If they aren’t, get a recommendation from the maker.
    • You should also buy a 4 oz bottle of concentrated “fuel fragrance”. Added to a 55 gallon drum of fuel, it gives burnt fuel a much more pleasant smell.


2: To a Flying Toilet or a Terminator manifold fuel injection from a carburetor:

  • No special manifold is required. If you are running a large four barrel (750, 850 or Dominator) now, our units bolt right on (see 4b above for slight alteration).
  • Higher fuel pressure and cooler operation makes the engine much less subject to air pressure and humidity changes.
  • Typical gains are .25 seconds e.t.'s. improvement and .05 seconds quicker in the first 60 feet.
  • Fewer tuning changes are required throughout the weekend.
  • The car becomes a much more consistent performer.

NOTE: We highly recommend you install a surge tank or fuel cell in front of the engine on a door car. Fuel needs to gravity feed into the fuel pump because the pumps are pushers and not pullers.